Peace Family, I was in the bookstore this week looking for books for my two year old son who absolutely loves reading time. I sat down on the floor next to the shelf of books that I know he'd love. There was a Dr. Seuss shelf not too far from me and after a while I decided to take a look. My son has never really expressed any liking to the Dr. Seuss books we have at home but I figured 'why not?' The first one I grabbed was Green Eggs & Ham. I read the book and it occurred to me that Sam-I-Am was on to something. In fact, he had a great lesson to offer business owners, not just children. Sam-I-Am is Marc Cuban, Richard Branson, Robert F. Smith, Quintin Primo III and so many more! If you've read this book then you'd know why I compared Sam-I-Am to some of the world's most successful entrepreneurs, millionaires. We hear it all of the time, CONSISTENCY is key so I found it quite amusing that even though the character kept saying 'I do not like green eggs...