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Showing posts from 2016

'See, this is why I don't support white-owned businesses' -Said No White Person Ever

Would we ever credit bad service to the race of the owner if they were not Black? The first place to tackle this issue is to acknowledge that it is in fact a learned behavior . We have been taught to not trust each other, not to depend on each, not to love each other and most definitely not support each other. There was and still is an extreme amount of effort to demonize Black people (especially men) and even we bought into it ourselves. As a result, we are the most divided amongst any community. BUT THAT STOPS HERE. Let's practice techniques that will not only bring us closer together as a community but will build the reputation of Black business as a whole. Let's start with the customer perspective. As a customer who frequently supports Black owned businesses, I am looking for an excellent customer service experience, this includes promptness, politeness and professionalism. When I do not get those basic customer service qualities, I seek the owner, I explain to them what my...

Black Business Owners: Why Client Experience SELLS!

TOO OFTEN I hear my peers talk about their bad experiences with Black owned businesses. I would defend my people to the DEATH! But at some point we have to hold each other accountable. You do that when you love someone. With over thirteen years of customer service experience I felt qualified to give 3 tips that will help increase sales and drive business. Currently I am a financial investment advisor for a well known broker dealer in the United States and at this point in my career I can say that no matter what business you're in, these three tips will WORK! I started out in retail and learned the basics, you know, 'the customer is always right' and when became a licensed professional I realized that there was much more to that. What it really means is, as long as I am doing everything right my clients won't have anything to complain about and if they do I didn't do everything right. Now I know some of you are saying 'people will complain even when you do everyt...